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Cosmetic Dental Services in Winnipeg

At Sturgeon Creek Dental in Winnipeg, our dentists provide cosmetic dental services designed to improve the overall appearance of your teeth and gums.

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Cosmetic Dental Services, Winnipeg Dentist

What is Cosmetic Dental Care?

With cosmetic dental treatments, our goal is to make aesthetic changes to the teeth and gums. 

If your teeth are discoloured, worn, broken, misaligned or have gaps between them, cosmetic dental procedures can help improve their colour and symmetry.

These treatments can make a significant difference for many patients when it comes to smiling with confidence.

Teeth Whitening in Winnipeg

Professional teeth whitening at your dentist's office is a safe and effective method of whitening teeth that have started to darken due to age, dietary choices, taking certain medications or poor oral hygiene. 

Teeth whitening uses bleaching agents that are peroxide-based and designed to make the colour of your teeth lighter. With the in-office and take-home treatment options offered, you can enjoy a lighter, brighter smile for years to come.

Veneers in Winnipeg

Veneers are thin pieces of porcelain that are applied to the front of your teeth to change their colour or shape. Veneers are considered to be a minimally invasive cosmetic treatment. They are used on teeth with uneven surfaces, or teeth that are chipped, discoloured, oddly shaped, unevenly spaced or crooked. 

Porcelain has many advantages that make it an ideal choice, including being similar in appearance and strength do dental enamel. Porcelain is also stain-resistant.

New Patients Always Welcome

Looking for a dentist in Winnipeg? We're happily welcoming new patients to our dental clinic! Contact us to get started. 

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